Fort Lupton Public & School Library
Fort Lupton, Colorado
Durango Public Library
Durango, Colorado
Kroc Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska
Larkspur Community Center
Bend, Oregon
Greeley, Colorado
Located on the block of 6th Street and 8th Avenue of downtown Greeley, the LINC Library Innovation Center extends the downtown and becomes a hub of activity for the High Plains Library District. In keeping with the theme of confluence and the importance of water in the region, the exterior perforated metal screen is inspired by the Northern Colorado watershed.
Named after the newspaper publisher and co-founder of the Union Colony, Horace Greeley, the Greeley Tribune building was built in 1986. Custom built for their needs as their second newspaper headquarters, totaling 42,000 square feet, it housed offices, journalists, printing presses, and distribution.
Through a people-inspired process the themes of transformation, confluence, and discovery shaped our design thought. Inspired by the nearby intersection of the Cache la Poudre River and the South Platte River, the lobby represents the confluence as the meeting point between the library, the innovation hall, and the children’s museum while figuratively it represents the coming together of people and ideas in a new public building.
“Thank you all for your brilliance, persistence, and dedication. LINC would not have happened without you.”
– Melissa Beavers, Library Manager
A 22,000 square foot addition wraps the original building like a book jacket transforming it into a community center that includes a library, innovation center, events space with catering kitchen, makers space, arts & crafts room, video gaming room, AV room with recording studio, conference room, party room, and a children's museum with interactive playground. Floor plans show how a newspaper press becomes an innovation center, how packaging becomes the children's library, how the offices become the stacks for books, how the circular atrium of the Tribune becomes the inspiration for the courtyard, and how the children's museum will live on the second level.
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