Kroc Suisun City
Suisun City, California
UCCS Gallogly Recreation & Wellness Center
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The REC of Grapevine
Grapevine, Texas
Windsor Community Recreation Center
Windsor, Colorado
Omaha, Nebraska
The Salvation Army Western Division of Omaha commissioned Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, in association with HGM Associates, to create a “Wow Factor” at the Omaha Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center built in 2008. In the 18,775 sf addition, features were added to create community excitement, draw in more membership and increase revenue flows.
LocationOmaha, Nebraska
ClientThe Salvation Army Western Division
TypeRecreation, Cultural, Worship
CategoryAquatics, Multigenerational, Renovation, Planning + Studies
Square Footage20,000
Added features include:
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