Kroc Augusta

Augusta, Georgia

The 82,000 sf center provides worship and performing arts education, family life and personal development, and recreation and aquatic opportunities to the underserved residents of Augusta. We began working with The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory in the Kroc Center application process. BRS’s services included programming, site planning, design and budget forecasting.

LocationAugusta, Georgia

ClientThe Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps

TypeRecreation, Cultural, Worship

CategoryCertified Sustainable, Aquatics, Multigenerational, Active Adult

SustainabilityLEED Silver

Square Footage82,000



Amenities include a chapel with 400 seats, community events/banquet hall, commercial kitchen, administrative offices, academic and music classrooms, and party rooms. It provides family life and personal development, including a First Stop Family Service Center and child watch area. Recreation amenities include a two-court gymnasium, weight/fitness center, aerobic/dance studio, locker rooms and family changing rooms, as well as an aquatics program with indoor leisure pool with current channel, indoor/outdoor waterslide, interactive water play features and indoor spas.

LEED Silver

The project has received LEED Silver certification for sustainable design and energy efficiency. The citizens of Augusta are fortunate recipients of Joan Kroc’s vision.

“It was just amazing to stop in my tracks and realize everything that’s going on at once”

– Captain Todd Mason, as quoted in Athletic Business Magazine

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