Back to a New Reality: How to Adapt Your Rec Center in a Post COVID Era
We have all been working toward preparing and reopening our centers post shut down. Everyone has adapted to temporary changes to your facilities, whether it is a new temperature check station, online reservations, or spacing out equipment. Hopefully, many of you have found a way to be open and at serve at least a percentage of your membership.
Now it is important to step back, take off our rush-to-open-blinders and consider long-term implications. Items that will influence and change the way we think about planning and design for recreation centers from here on out. We know that we must do more to design safer and healthier facilities so that we can be more resilient in the future. To accomplish this, we must focus on adaptions to physical space, building systems and operations that will increase our versatility and adaptability in our new normal.
Watch our Webinar:
‘Base Camp: Scouting Uncharted Territory.’ Within we cover what is the new baseline for operating, designing and planning community indoor rec centers? We explored that baseline and scouted a new path forward that impacts today, tomorrow and the future of center design.