Jenna Katsaros

Senior Associate, Facility Performance Advisor

Parks & Rec

With 15 years and various roles in a municipal park and recreation agency, Jenna had the opportunity to see recreation from many different angles. Her range of expertise includes community engagement, operational analysis, technical and creative writing. She’s also a skilled government jargon interpreter and questioner of that’s-just-how-we-do-things policies. Jenna loves the versatility of the recreation profession and the amazingly resourceful people who dedicate their lives to it. She believes a day without play is meaningless. Just stay in bed. Jenna is a former Recreation Superintendent for the City of Aurora, CO, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Department.


Metropolitan State University of Denver
Recreation Management, minor in English

2023 NRPA "Not In My Lane: Startling Revelations on Public Recreation's Impact on Private Fitness Providers" with Joseph Walker, PhD.

2021 Colorado Parks and Recreation Annual Conference, "Innovation Lab - How to Maximize Participation" with Daniel Matoba

2021 Athletic Business Conference, “Innovation Lab: How to Maximize Participation” with Craig Bouck

2021 Barker Rinker Seacat, "Recreation Center COVID Roundtable" - Benchmarking Presentation

2023 CPRA, "Aging Recreation Centers: Repair, Renovate or Replace"

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